We create a pathway to Safe Integration

At Enlighten Mental Health, we understand that the journey through altered states of consciousness, whether through psychedelic clinical trials or personal exploration, is deeply personal and unique. Our harm reduction services are at the heart of our mission, providing a safe, non-judgmental space for individuals seeking support after such experiences. Our approach is rooted in understanding, compassion, and the latest evidence-based practices in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.

What is Harm Reduction?

Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with the use of mind-altering substances. It's also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who consume mind-altering substances for either therapeutic or recreational purposes. At Enlighten Mental Health, we extend this philosophy to encompass the experiences of those who have participated in psychedelic clinical trials or have explored altered states on their own. Our goal is to mitigate the risks and support the well-being of our clients through informed, compassionate care.

See our blog article about Harm Reduction here

Our Integration Services

Our integration services are designed for adults who have accessed psychedelics through a clinical trial, an established medical clinic, or from within their community (in the community setting we adhere to strict harm-reduction guidelines for support). Each of our therapists brings unique training in harm reduction, person-centered therapeutic approaches, and specialized techniques in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, mindfulness, or trauma-informed care. This diverse expertise allows us to offer personalized support tailored to your specific journey and needs.

If you've encountered an altered state and are looking for guidance in making sense of your experience, or if you seek to integrate these experiences into your life in a meaningful way, our team is here to support you. Integration therapy can help you process and understand your experiences, providing insights and tools for personal growth and healing.

Please be aware that Enlighten Mental Health does not condone or encourage the use of psychedelics in any way. Psychedelics are still considered an illegal substance in most parts of Australia and qualify only as medicine in very specific medical settings where they are prescribed by a psychiatrist with adequate training and credentials.

Please visit the TGA website to learn more about the changes in classification for psychedelics.

Support for Psychedelic Clinical Trials

Support for Clinical Trial Participants

Psychedelic clinical trials are at the forefront of exploring new avenues for mental health treatment in Australia. If you have recently exited such a trial, you might find yourself with new perspectives, questions, or challenges. Our therapists are here to offer support through integration therapy, helping you to weave your experiences into the fabric of your life, promoting healing, growth, and well-being.

Let Us Know How We Can Support You

Interested in accessing integration support? Please mention your interest when filling out our contact form. We're here to answer your questions and guide you through the next steps towards healing and integration.

More resources

To further support your journey, we recommend exploring the following resources, available on our Resources page.