Meg Wilson

  • Clinical Counsellor

  • Relationship Therapist

  • $240 per 50-60 mins session.

  • NDIS and Private health cover rebates are available.

  • Meg is available for integration support

Meg is the Director and owner of Enlighten Mental Health where she facilitates individual and relationship therapy for a wide range of adults. Meg is passionate about using innovative techniques to improve the lives of the clients she works with. She has sought to train herself in a variety of therapeutic approaches including mindfulness, dialectical behavioural therapy, emotion-focused therapy and MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy with Monash University.

She believes in actively advancing the scope and practice of integration therapy for deeper self-understanding and processing of life-events after experiencing an altered-state.

Additionally, Meg is an active ally of the diverse communities including LGBTQIA+, polyamorous, neuro-divergent, sex work, and gender-fluid communities. She also takes great care to include cultural significance into the therapeutic process and understands how privilege plays a role in the lives of her clients and her own.

Meg spends her free time connecting with friends, dancing and hiking every trail she can find in Australia. She is passionate about travelling and has visited and lived in over 20 different countries.